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The significance of the logo design.

The art of Feng Shui logo placement.

The art of Feng Shui logo placement.

The art of Feng Shui logo placement.

5 elements in feng shui include water, wood, fire, earth and gold, which are the main components of the environment. And influence the mood of deep thought and imagination of people. If the amount of imbalance Or cancel destroy enemy instead of each authorityWith the complementary Will affect the emotions of those who influenced them.

How to make a force for good is to combine elements characterized by the media. "The shape of the line", "colorful", "light" by the placement of the "size" and "direction" that makes it stand out as if all the elements. It will be perfect This gives people who know the emotional and feeling good, feeling familiar (Friendly) and recalled whenever desired product or service (Good Recognition).


The arrangement of the points of the sequence. A single dimension is length without breadth. Serves as the extent of the blank shape, weight, color and shapes, as well as the shape or structure.

Line is the cornerstone of art of all kinds. That can be conveyed to express feelings and emotions on their own. With the creation of the shape of the lines are 2 types of Straight Line and Curve Line the two species. When deployed in a different manner is called. And defines And feel the difference.

The nature of the meaning and feeling.

1. line or vertical line to feel the altitude, elegant, strong, strong, strong, a symbol of integrity.
2. Horizontal line, feel the width, calm, smooth, calm, relaxed.
3. oblique or diagonal lines indicate the fleet, not stable.
4. wavy or zigzag lines, a sense of movement and rhythm, organizes, uneven, fear, danger, conflict, violence.
5. Curve Wave-to move slowly, smooth, continuous, gentle, tender, soft.
6. spiral curves A sense of movement to unravel. Or grow in the direction that swirled out. When looking into to see the power of movement, not the end.
7. curve narrow band Feel the power of the radical movement, changing direction quickly, and still growing.
8. The dotted line gives the discrete, missing, unclear, cause stress.

The importance of the

1. The space is divided into sections.
2. The scope of the blank Shape up, causing the
3. The perimeter of a shape. Thus be seen as a dimension (Form) clear.
4. served to keep the weight light of light and shadow (Shaded lines).
5. To serve as the core of the structure. And structure of image.



The shape is a 3D rendered width, length and depth or thickness as convex spherical, cylindrical, triangular, etc. make sense to have a mass volume density of the composition.

  • Geometric Form is the exact shape as a standard to measure or calculate the area or volume of a simple, rectangular, circular, oval, etc. geometry to form the basis of various shapes, man invented a pattern, such as automobiles, aircraft supplies. different Produced by industry first.
  • Organic Form is a living thing. Or similar creature That can change shape with growth. Or by movements such as people, animals, plants.
  • Free Form is the form that occurs freely. A structure that is unstable According to the influence or action of the environment, such as rocks, clouds of smoke, which gives the freedom movement has the power to geometry, but are contrary to blend with organic form. Freedom can be caused by geometric or organic. Was subjected to a style change from the original condition, leaving no cars were burned into wood or animal remains.

The relationship between the shape
When the shapes are placed close together, they form a relationship, to attract or push each other forward. A combination of shapes May do so by using the shape is similar, the shape of contiguous, shapes, overlapping, shapes sealed together, the shape of the inserted together, shape, weave integration. together or shaped connection. The image geometry, organic and freedom to assemble together. The new look will occur.


Light & Shade

Light and shadow determines the level of the weight of the object. The intensity of the shadow depends on the intensity of the light. Shadow is an art that is correlative light. When the subject shines Will cause shadows Where there is no light, no shadow. And the shadows will always be in the direction opposite to the light. The weight of the light and shadow of the object. Nature can be classified as follows:

  1. Hi-light to illuminate the area. Near the light source. The maximum brightness The object has a glossy surface to reflect light into the visible.
  2. Light is light area The light given Followed by the lighting arrangement. Because away from the light source. And the intensity of the light weight.
  3. Shade is a shadow The area of the objects have no light. There is more intense than the light weight.
  4. Hi-Shade is a dark shadow. This is an area of the object away from the light source. Or obscured most light There is a lot of weight to the darkest dark.
  5. Shadow Passed shadow upon the The area of the background material grafted into the shadows. The area outside the And the intensity of the weight dependent. The intensity of the shadow The weight of the background and the direction of the shadow.


The importance of the weight

  1. The difference between the surface or shape or space.
  2. A sense of movement
  3. Show dimensions, such as shallow depth curve.
  4. The long distance - distance.
  5. Make a harmonized




Surface is characteristic of the surface of a rough, smooth, rough or smooth surfaces of different feels different.

  • The surface is rough Feels strongly stimulate permanent stability.
  • Smooth surface It feels comfortable


Light the eye can see, it affects the mood and feel of the viewer. to convince Induce excited or sad it. Often used in hospitals to treat patients with neurotic light. Or those with a mental disorder.

  • Caste color is to feel the heat - cool colors. The color range is color-caste caste hot and cold colors and 7 color, which is the line dividing caste color is purple with yellow. Both of which have two castes.
  • Opposite color to paint with the color intensity varies greatly. Tend not to be shared. Because each color is utterly brilliant. Technical Import color opposite to share such a large area of one color. Another color other than blending into one color or mix in both colors. Opposite color or mix both together.
  • Medium color is a color that can be integrated together or subjected to any color. Color in a color, 2 color is brown to gray-brown. Of the opposite color in a color combination. In the same ratio Brown has the important feature is used in combination with other colors, to make that color intensity without changing the color if mixed lot, it will turn brown, gray from all colors of paint in a color combination. In equal Grey's key features is used in combination with other colors will make the darker the shadow. The light weight of the mixture very different if he becomes gray.

The intensity of the color or weight.
      Colors that occur in the circuit with if we sorted weight, flexibility and of several colors such as purple, blue, green, blue, green and yellow-green or purple, red, orange, fawn and yellow, which is called "Value of Different. Color "
      For the intensity of the color is caused by a single color, then dismissed. Light weight and self-called "Value of Single Color" If the tuition is very good. To apply knowledge from chasing the weight to be used to their benefit. In creating paintings

contrasting colors

Contrasting colors or colors that are opposite colors are opposite each other on the color circuit. We are aware that any pair of opposite color color truly or not. The couple then took the mix as well. If the mixture into a medium color means the color is truly a contrasting color.

Color of contrasting pairs

  • Green, yellow / magenta.
  • Green / Red
  • Green / red orange.
  • Blue / Orange
  • Purple / Yellow
  • Purple, blue / orange, yellow.

How to use the opposite color or a contrasting color principles.
         1. The amount of color that contrasts with the caste of all the colors in the image must not exceed 10% of the land area in the image.
         2. In applying the In applied arts, or commercial use on the following criteria.

  • The use of color opposite or contrasting colors. To use one color to the other 80% is 20%.
  • If you require any pair of dual color evenly. Should reduce the value of a color.
  • If the pattern is small like a tree full of leaves. Use contrasting colors to blend the result is a fresh, alternating each other.
  • If necessary, use a contrasting color in the big picture or the picture area and dual color is coherent. Which line should be separated or black with black crosses. To reduce the intensity of the image and the color in the following example.

Decorating with Color
The beautifully decorated and comfortable and pleasant warmth. Safe in it. These feelings arise from the choice of colors and the expression of psychology. The effect on the human mind, as we know, for example, red and yellow to feel excited. Blue and green A sense of calm Soul is bowed to peace which is the "psychology" about feelings. Thus, the structure of the color to use in everyday life. Should be allocated to a story or usefulness.

Feelings about color psychology.

Red feels hot, intense, stimulating, challenging, dynamic, exciting, energetic, abundance, wealth, love, attention, dangerous.
Orange feels hot, warm, bright, lively, young, mischievous, liberation, sourness, beware.

Yellow feels bright, cheerful, cheerfulness, fresh, fresh, fresh, new, bright, radiation, power, prestige.

Green feels calm, quiet, shady, peaceful, relaxing, relaxation, natural, safe, normal, happy, calm, cool.

Blue feels calm, calm, gentle, steady, solemn, grave profile, discreet, elegant, dignity, nobility, humility is a mess.

Purple feels attractive, engaging, mysterious, secretive, powerful, energetic dormant love, sadness, disappointment, calm, noble.

Blue feels Calm, wide, lightweight, transparent, clean, safe, light, breath, independence, freedom, to help, to share.

White feels fresh, clean, bright, light, gentle, revealed the birth, love, hope, truth, compassion, faith, goodness.

Black feels dark, dirty, mysterious, despair, end, death, evil, secret, cruelty, brutality, sadness, deep, dark tales, patient, energetic.

Pink feels warm, tender, gentle, sweet, loving, caring, young, cute and bright.

Gray feels sad, desperate, frustrated, mystery, depression, aging, calm, quiet, gentle, sober, humble.

Gold feels gives a sense of luxury, elegance, cost, high value, important, prosperity, happiness, wealth, riches, the spread.

Feng Shui Design

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designlogo designfeng shuilogoFeng ShuiFeng Shui logologo designlogo feng shuilogo designlogo designfeng shuilogosfeng shui artworkFeng Sha Tsui Lai St., the signature according to feng shuirubber stamp companytrademark,. brandLogoTrademarklogosymbolpatternReunionlogosimageslogoscompany logodesignlogodesign logologosFeng Shuilogo Feng ShuiFeng Shui logologo designlogo feng shuilogo designlogo designfeng shuilogoFeng Shuilogo feng shuilogo designlogo, Feng Shuilogos Feng ShuiFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui StamperFeng Shui DesignCreate Dimension of logoAnalysis logo according to feng shuiLogo DesignFeng Shui logoLogo Feng ShuiLogoRubber StampStampCompany Stamp DesignStamp DesignAccording to Feng Shui Stamper

Tags : Feng Shui logo design  logo design  Feng Shui  Feng Shui stamp  Feng Shui logo  logo  logo design  logo feng shui  design logo feng shui  rubber stamp.
